Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thank you Dr. Rao!

Dr. Rao is prescribing me anti-nausea medicine tomorrow morning that I can pick up. I'm so grateful I have a Dr. who understands what I'm going through - she's 6 months pregnant herself so she is very sympathetic.

I will start with a low dosage and go from there. There are a few safe medicines out there she can give me, but you pay a shiny penny for them. Some are $10 a pill! That's $300 a month! Since Jeff and I have good health insurance we are hoping they will cover most of it......

All is well, just very sleepy and nauseous. I read that when you feel sick it just means the baby is healthy and growing normally. If you aren't sick at all, there is a slight risk for miscarrying.

As much as I hate feeling like I could throw up at any moment with the smell of the slightest food, I sure realize that it will all be worth it in the end. I can't wait to hold our precious bundle of joy and realize that all of the sweat, tears, pains, and gagging was worth every single minute to have created an angel!

That's all for now. xoxo

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 weeks...feeling the changes

I have been feeling so sick to my stomach since Sunday.... I feel great in the mornings but once I'm up for a couple hours it hits me and I just want to crawl in bed and sleep it off.... Lets hope the sickness goes away soon and doesn't get any worse. Different smells are REALLY starting to bother me now...

Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

4 weeks and counting....

Fetal development in pregnancy week 4: embryo in first month By the end of this week the round and pointy ends of your little pear-shaped baby will be slightly more exaggerated and their body will look more like that of a miniature manatee. Despite your baby not looking particularly human without any eyes, ears or mouth, the earliest developments of what will become the larynx, internal ear, and eye lens are already forming, although you’d have to be a trained expert to recognize them for what they’re going to be in the future. Likewise, tiny bumps are forming on your little embryo which will eventually be their cute little arms, elbows, fingers, legs, knees and toes. What’s more your little swimmer will have a teeny tiny tail by the end of this week-- but don’t worry, it’s just the end of their developing spinal cord! A microscopic photo would reveal what seems to be their vertebrae filling out the spine and tail. Although they aren’t bones yet, but rather, the “bone seeds” that will give rise to your baby's tiny vertebrae, ribs and sternum.

And how's mom doing? This week is not unlike the previous weeks; your pregnancy symptoms may be increasing, as expected. In fact, the earliest symptoms of morning sickness may set in for some women at this time. The not-so-lovely symptoms run the normal flu gamut including: nausea and vomiting. Although this typically the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems occurs in the morning and resolves itself by midday, morning sickness can come at any time, day or night, so—for some of you, you’ll just have to make frequent stops throughout the day to kneel before the porcelain throne. In general, most pregnant women don’t experience morning sickness until their sixth week, but it never hurts to know what vomit-y fate may be awaiting you.

Morning sickness is due to several changes that are taking place in your body. First, you are now pumping out significantly larger amounts of estrogen and progesterone than normal, and your body is not used to this. Interactions between the hormones and your stomach result in the less-than-wonderful nausea. Also, your GI-tract is much more sensitive and some doctors theorize that this sensitivity is potentially the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems . If it helps, you could always think of the morning sickness as a baby-facilitated body cleanse.

first picture - 3 1/2 weeks

Jeff wants to take pics of the progress.... so we started this past week...
We also took a picture with our cat, Hank. He doesn't realize that in 8 months he will no longer be an "only child!" :)

Doctor's Appointment Set

I called my doctor Friday morning to find out when I need to come in. The doctor I have been seeing is Dr. Purnima Rao. She is young, beautiful, smart, and pregnant right now too! I saw her in December - she said she hoped to see me in 6 months with some good news.... well 1 month shy of 6 months, and she did! She is expecting a child herself - and is already 5 months along. I will have to see another doctor for 2 appointments in September and October when she is out on Maternity Leave. She will be back in plenty of time for our delivery.

My first appointment is set for Friday, June 19th at 10 a.m. She will do a pap smear, blood work and our very first ultrasound where we can hear the heartbeat and see our baby on the monitor. We will be getting a picture of it as well, that I will upload then. Looking forward to seeing our little bean so that it's more official and real!

This is where Baby Garza will be born:

One Year Anniversary

We had our 1 year anniversary a few weeks ago - on May 3, 2009. We had a lovely dinner at Red Lobster with the gift card Ginger had given Jeff for his 30th birthday - thank you Ging!! It was delicious shrimp and lobster and we enjoyed ourselves very much. It was the nice end to a fun weekend with friends before starting the new work-week.

Spilling the Beans

We decided to tell our family and friends right away since the Dr. let us know I am a low-risk pregnancy. I am young, healthy and without a history of any problems. The usual is to wait until you are through your first trimester to tell anyone in case of a miscarriage. We couldn't help but tell the ones we love most RIGHT AWAY.

We called Jeff's parents first. His Mom didn't answer the phone so Jeff thought she might be at Dylan's (Jeff's brothers) babysitting the kids. We 3-way called Dylan and Lina's house and low and behold, Dylan answered. :) We told him the news and he was extremely excited! He said we brought a tear to his eye and "shame on us for doing that" because he was about to leave for work. Then we called Jeff's Mom, Diane - who said "why am I on 3-way? Do ya'll have something big to tell me like you're pregnant? Oh my goodness - You are pregnant!!" She guessed it right away! She was so happy and excited! Then we called Ginger, Granny, Ben, & Lina who were all just as giddy as we were. I love my in-laws so much!

I told my boss Friday afternoon as well - who was very happy for Jeff and I. His response was "When it rains it pours! Are you going to want 6 months off?" It was pretty funny....

We wanted to tell my Mom & Stepdad Paul in person so we waited until Friday night to deliver the good news. On my lunch break at work Friday, I went by a gift shop and found a frame that read "When a child is born, so is a grandmother." I thought it was just PERFECT for my Mom. I went back to work and typed a page to put inside the frame that said "Insert photo here January 23, 2010". We drove to Spring after work that evening.... showed up at Mom and Paul's front door unexpectedly telling her we had a late Mother's Day gift to deliver. She was confused that we drove almost an hour to their house when she knew I would be seeing her the next afternoon at Kelly's graduation party. We sat on the couch, Mom opened her card..... then her frame....and SCREAMED!!!!! YOU'RE PREGNANT?! OH MY GOODNESS!!! AHHHH!!!!!! She was so shocked to find out we are expecting and can't wait more than anything to be a grandma - this is my mom's first grand-baby. The photos are absolutely priceless.

Symptoms.....and the good news

May 11th, 2009 - extreme lower back pain

May 13, 2009 - faint cramps on one side from 5-7pm

May 14, 2009 - back pain is better, extremely bloated now.

May 15, 2009 - 3:50 a.m. Took digital EPT (Home Pregnancy Test) in the middle of the night. Test read "PREGANT"! 1 day before period was due.

I woke Jeff up to let him know "I'm pregnant babe!" he screamed " REALLY?! WHAT?! Turn on the light! Let me see it! Give me a hug! Oh my gosh!!" We couldn't get back to sleep for a good 2 hours after that due to all the excitement. Just what I have always wished for - to be a Mom. The day was finally here! We conceived! I couldn't be any happier....