Thursday, November 5, 2009

the nursery is coming along...

I have been working on the nursery a lot! We painted an accent wall in the bedroom royal blue to go with our red, white and blue fireman theme. The pictures are a little dark because they were taken with my cell phone but you get the idea... I painted wooden letters with dalmation spots on them and hung with red ribbon above his new crib!

Here is his new crib - Dad and Barb got it for us from our registry! It's a cherry wood sleigh bed and converts into a toddler bed, day bed and full size bed. It's BEAUTIFUL! We will be getting the bedding for it this weekend from my grandparents at our first baby shower.

This is a shelf I hung with a picture frame I painted... We also have added a few fireman keepsakes on top :)

These are the black and white pictures I took at Jeff's fire station. I had them blown up to 8x10's and printed. I got the frames at a garage sale (they are oak) for $1.50 for all 3. I painted them red, and they look brand new! :)

This is the pack n' play my Mom & Paul got us from our registry. They gave it to us early because we were excited to set it up! It has a monkey mobile on the top. It will go in our bedroom for the first few months where Collin can sleep close to us. I love it!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

28 weeks, 4 days check up...

I saw Dr. Rao yesterday and everything went great. I passed the gestational diabetes test by a point - 139. If you get 140-200 you have to do the 4 hour screening/fasting/blood work ordeal. They said a score in the 200's usually indicates diabetes so even though I passed by a hair, I don't need to change my diet at all or worry. What a relief!

I passed the anemia screening as well. I've only gained 13 lbs total throughout the pregnancy and Dr. Rao is very impressed. She said I'm having such a wonderful/healthy pregnancy. The beginning was definitely ROUGH but I'm paying for it now. I am loving every minute of this experience.

She told us to pre-register at the hospital, pick a pediatrician and count Collin's kicks. If he doenst have 10 kicks every 2 hours, I am supposed to call her day or night. I don't have to worry about that...Collin is sooooo active, he's always kicking and rolling. I never wonder if he's okay in there. :)

We found a pediatrician at the same Dr.'s office my OBGYN is located. She's wonderful and was recommended to us by friends and even the director of Collin's day school. She will be coming to the hospital to see Collin when he's born and give him his first exam.

All is well......looking forward to my first baby shower this weekend at Joni's house! Can't wait to see all the family and enjoy quality time. :)