Thursday, November 5, 2009

the nursery is coming along...

I have been working on the nursery a lot! We painted an accent wall in the bedroom royal blue to go with our red, white and blue fireman theme. The pictures are a little dark because they were taken with my cell phone but you get the idea... I painted wooden letters with dalmation spots on them and hung with red ribbon above his new crib!

Here is his new crib - Dad and Barb got it for us from our registry! It's a cherry wood sleigh bed and converts into a toddler bed, day bed and full size bed. It's BEAUTIFUL! We will be getting the bedding for it this weekend from my grandparents at our first baby shower.

This is a shelf I hung with a picture frame I painted... We also have added a few fireman keepsakes on top :)

These are the black and white pictures I took at Jeff's fire station. I had them blown up to 8x10's and printed. I got the frames at a garage sale (they are oak) for $1.50 for all 3. I painted them red, and they look brand new! :)

This is the pack n' play my Mom & Paul got us from our registry. They gave it to us early because we were excited to set it up! It has a monkey mobile on the top. It will go in our bedroom for the first few months where Collin can sleep close to us. I love it!

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