Tuesday, September 22, 2009

6 months this Saturday!!

6 Months (23 - 27 weeks)

Over a foot long, your baby weighs in at almost two pounds now. He is already practicing walking by pedaling his feet and kicking you, sometimes right in the cervix. Ouch! Your baby has developed a strong grip and he can open and close his eyes in reaction to light. His vocal cords are fully functional, although he won’t be truly practicing until he sees his first glimpse of daylight. Hiccups are common for him as your little one practices swallowing, and you may feel these throughout the day. A baby born now can survive with intensive care.Find out how your baby is developing every week. Sign up for our FREE Weekly Fetal Development Newsletter. Click here!
Can you believe that your six months along? Your uterus is now 1 ½ - 2 ½ inches above your belly button and is the size of a basketball. In fact, people may say that you look like you swallowed a basketball. Now you know why. You are feeling the baby kick more, since he is getting stronger and he still has plenty of room in there to play some soccer. Your abdomen is aching and itchy as the ligaments continue to stretch. Common physical symptoms include constipation, heart burn, bloating, indigestion, headaches, dizziness, nasal congestion, bleeding gums, increased appetite, leg cramps, swelling, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, itchy stomach, protruding naval, backache, skin changes, fuller breasts, carpal tunnel, tingly hands and feet, and clumsiness. You may start getting bored and impatient with this pregnancy thing, as that seems to be what defines you right now. Anxiety about the baby and about how life will be with baby is also common as reality sets in. Calm your anxiety by focusing on the nursery, taking a hospital or birth center tour, and registering for a birth class.

Monday, September 14, 2009

visit to Dad's in Canyon Lake

We went to see my Dad and stepmom Barb in Canyon Lake over Labor Day weekend. Here are some fun pics from the riverwalk and the markets where we went shopping. We had a great time with them!

our ultrasound at 16 weeks

Jamie and Ginger came with us to "The Inside Story" when I was just 16 weeks to find out the gender. Here are a few pics from that day, it was amazing!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the journey so far! (halfway there)

We are taking pictures every 3 weeks.... here they are so far! :)